Month: December 2015

Making a Museum Print

One the two prints: "Horses and Gathering Storm"

One the two prints: “Horses and Gathering Storm”

I made two prints this weekend: “Horses and Gathering Storm” and “Leif and Claire.” Two calibrated, museum-grade prints on my Epson Stylus Pro 3880. Prints that took me more than 14 hours of work between them, so much work that it really chafes when people suggest “digital has made producing photographic prints so much easier.” Maybe simple memory prints, but there is just as much work as before when making the top-quality products.

If you’d like a look into what just one part of the process entails, Field & Studio, where I have a tutorial for just the print feed calibration phase of the printing.

New Tutorial: Fixing Banding in Museum-quality Prints on the Epson 3880 and P800

The Hopeful Final Print.

The Hopeful Final Print.

I’ve just completed a new tutorial on Field & Studio, my tutorial blog, for an easy way to remove slight banding in black and white prints when using the Epson Stylus Pro 3880 or the Epson SureColor P800. If you, too, are looking to find a solution to this vexing problem, this post may help.

I was spurred into finding my own solution to this after I struggled with the print shown here; it has low depth of field, which can pose a problem for inkjet printers. Let me know if you, too, have had the problem, and if my solution helped.

Chairs, Texas

Chairs, Texas

Chairs, Texas

I went to Texas recently with my good friend and former assistant Liz McCue to see several other dear friends, including two accomplished photographers, Melinda Green Harvey and George Nobechi Bumstead. On the way there, we drove through myriad small towns, but in one, took a wrong turn. As we looked for a spot to turn around, both Liz and I exclaimed at the same moment, “Did you see those chairs?!?!”